Contemporary sources:

(exchange on - Alan Watts Mailing List)

kn: The most contemporary source is the direct herenow.

B: Exactly, the eternal now moment is literally all there is -- all else comprises data, pointings at best, and they too are in the moment!

kn: All else must be a movement of it or in it.

B: Bullseye.

kn: Memory of a book read, no matter how recent or ancient, memory or experience of a talk heard, no matter how mundane or profound. What to do ????

B: There is no procedure to "Be Here Now," it simply happens, a spontaneous surrender. Credit a guru, credit a technique, credit years of study if you must, it's ultimately out of human hands.

kn: How should/could I know !!!!!!!!!!!!

B: You don't. I don't either, it just happens.