Bodhisattva can only weep.

During these times of rumors of war - let me send you my feelings of Peace.

Thank you very much, my feelings in your written presence are always peaceful. I am so very blessed by your company.

There are times, beloved companion, that I see violence as a cruel, serrated blade driven though the heart of our species, century after century, by the ambitions of (wo)men bereft of love. This violence is more than war and the shed blood of armed combatants, it is also in the "non-violent" politics of "economic" sanctions that starve and sicken innocents for the transgressions of the tyrants who rule them, and in the fear of ordinary folk who never know where or when a terrorist "martyr" will strike, armed with Torah or Koran verses assuring the righteousness of the murderous deed. Bodhisattva can only weep.